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( PHP, WooCommerce development ) Webshop integration to social networking website
Executive Summary

Our client, the owner of a social networking website based out of America wanted to have a webshop with his social networking website. He already had a social networking website with a good amount of user base.
The idea was in-order to increase the user activity he wanted to award users with some points when they perform any activity. These points were different for different activities like sharing of contents, like, comments, and many more; admin can set the points for these activities from admin settings section.
Development by The Web Fosters:
As it was an existing web application, it already had the database for users and their activity points. The Challenging part was to make a webshop compatible with the existing database tables.
We did some research on choosing the best open source webshop between wooCommerce & Magento. We found that WooCommerce will be better compatible with it.
With our expertise in wooCommerce development we successfully integrated it with the social networking website. A separate admin was created for managing the webshop that is adding of products, shipping settings, tax settings, order management, coupon code & gift card management.
Final Result:
The final outcome was, users can purchase products using the points earned and by paying some additional amount on it. Users activity got increases multi-folds with webshop integration.
Technical Stack:
LAMP, PHP, WordPress, WooCommerce, MySQL, jQuery, Twitter Bootstrap, Bitbucket SCM.